The DAO will be developed in the future to benefit the users on that believe in the IBC vision and Syndicates place in it.
The Dao will be governed by the people but councils will ultimately decide the final vote, unfortunately, most only vote to maximize their stake instead of the betterment of the protocol and its success in the future, which is why councils will be voted upon and constantly be held accountable by the stakeholders.
Most DAO structures are left with minimum runway because the fee sharing agreement is maximize stake instead of growing enterprise, we look to solve this challenge through DAO DAO tooling and Councils.
As of right now, the current structure will encompass 1 DAO and 3 Subdao's all serving different functions for the project.
The Astral Council
Treasury Council
Shadow Council
Partnership Council
Election Process:
Astral Council nominate themselves and are then voted on by current councils in a ranked-choice election process. Council Members are elected for 6 months period.
Last updated